I. Mission Regulate, plan and develop an efficient and well-integrated traffic and transport system that serves the public interest II. Vision To deliver an effective traffic and transport system that contributes to the economic growth, quality of life and environmental sustainability of the City. III. Objectives Reduction of volume of vehicles traversing on traffic congested intersections through: IV. General functions 1. ISSUANCE OF INSPECTION REPORT FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORT AND MOTORIZED TRICYCLE FOR HIRE OFFICE: Public Order and Safety Office (POSO) CLASSIFICATION: Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION: G2C – Government to Client WHO MAY AVAIL: Legitimate transport operator of Motorized Tricycle, Public Utility Vehicles, Public Utility Bus, Mini-Bus and School Bus CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Voter’s ID 1.OR / CR (Original & photocopy) Barangay Clearance 2.Driver’s License (photocopy) OR/CR (original & photocopy) 3.Community Tax Certificate (photocopy) Driver’s License (photocopy) 4.LTFRB Franchise (original & photocopy) MTOP (original & photocopy) Engine and Chassis stencil Community Tax Certificate (photocopy CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSI BLE Submit requirements Checks and validates the submitted requirements None 5 mins Administrati ve Clerk Conduct Physical Inspection in accordance to City ordinance # 05 – 008, Sec. 10 (for MTOP) and City 5 mins Unit subject for inspection procedure in accordance with checklist for Physical Inspection None Inspector Ordinance # 006-06, Sec II no. 9 (for PUV) Verification and Approval of Inspection Report None 1 min Inspection Supervisor / POSO Chief Receives Inspection Report Release of Inspection Report / request the client to sign on the logbook None 1 min Administrati ve Clerk END OF TRANSACTION OFFICE: Public Order and Safety Office (POSO) CLASSIFICATION: Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION: GOVERNMENT TO CITIZENS (G2C) WHO MAY AVAIL: Person apprehended for Traffic Violation and CO- 017-2020 (Wearing of Face Mask) CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Duplicate copy of the Traffic Citation Ticket (TCT) or Ordinance Violation Ticket (OVT) Traffic Enforcer CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Submit duplicate copy of Traffic Citation Ticket (TCT) or Ordinance Violation Ticket (OVT) Accomplishes and issues release order None 1 min Administrative Clerk For Impounded Vehicle (Additional) : Provide the Official Receipt (OR) of payment Releases the Impounded Vehicle None 2 mins Administrative Clerk END OF TRANSACTION
I. Mandate: The Public Employment Service Office (PESO) is a non-fee charging multi- dimensional employment service facility or entity established in all Local Government Units (LGUs) in coordination with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) pursuant to R.A. No. 8759 or the PESO Act of 1999 as amended by R.A. No. 10691. The PESO aims to ensure prompt and efficient delivery of employment facilitation services as well as to provide timely information on labor market and DOLE Programs. II. Vision: PESO is a well-managed, trained, dynamic and people-oriented office that contributes to the City’s poverty alleviation and economic development by providing reliable and sustainable employment facilitation services. III. Mission: Promote full employment opportunities to the people of Tarlac City thru job matching and referrals, career coaching, employability skills, enhancement skills training and other livelihood services. IV. General objective: Ensure the prompt, timely and efficient delivery of employment facilitation service and provision of Labor Market Information and other DOLE Integrated programs. V. Specific objectives: Provide a venue where people could explore simultaneously various employment options and actually seek assistance they prefer; Serve as referral and information center for the various services and programs of DOLE and other government agencies present in the area; Provide clients with adequate information on employment and labor market situation in the area; and Network with other PESO within the region on employment for job exchange purposes. VI. Service pledge: The PESO maintains its quality policy which ensures the satisfaction of the clients and other interested parties, and compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements relative to the statistics operations and civil registration services. This policy is communicated to ensure that it is understood and applied at all levels of the organization. Comprehension of the Quality Policy is verified through but not limited to, Internal Quality Audits, Management Reviews and during staff meeting. CORE SERVICES: 1. Employment Facilitation The Employment Facilitation programs provides services to Tarlac City and non- Tarlac City residents with employment opportunities through job matching and referrals Referral and Placement Interested Applicants were Job Match to the solicited vacancies to our partner agencies, if they were qualified, we will refer it to the company for the possible employment. The partner company/locator will submit a placement report of qualified applicants that was been referred by PESO. OFFICE: Tarlac City Public Employments Service Office CLASSIFICATION Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION Government to Citizen (G2C) WHO MAY AVAIL: Tarlac City Residents and Non – Tarlac City Residents REQUIREMENTS: Letter of IntentResume CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE A. Online Job Registration Applicant/s will register by sending their applications to Tarlac City Public Employment Service Office’s email address: pesotarlaccityapplic ants2020@gmail.co m Processing of applicant’s data. Job Matching Refer to company/emp loyer list of applicants matched from job vacancy/ies NONE Minutes minutes 3 minutes Employment Assistance Officer Employment Assistance Officer Employment Assistance Officer TOTAL 8 MINUTES B. Walk-in Applicants Applicant/s will register in Applicant/s Registration Log Book provided by TCPESO Processing of applicant’s data. Job Matching Refer to company/employ er list of applicants matched from job vacancy/ies None Minutes minutes 3 minutes Employment Assistance Officer Employment Assistance Officer Employment Assistance Officer TOTAL 8 MINUTES 2. Employers’ Accreditation The Employers Accreditation Program conducts certification of employers or companies that offer job and training opportunities. OFFICE: Tarlac City Public Employments Service Office CLASSIFICATION: Complex TYPE OF TRANSACTION: Government to Business (G2B) WHO MAY AVAIL: Direct Companies and Manpower Agencies Local and Abroad REQUIREMENTS APPLICANTS: WHERE TO SECURE: Letter of Intent Updated Business Permit BIR Certificate DTI/SEC Certificate Philjobnet Certificate POEA License (Abroad) Job Vacancies/POEA Approved Job Orders From Company Business Permit and Licensing Department Bureau of Internal Revenue Department of Trade and Industry/ Securities and Exchange Commission Department of Labor and Employment/ Philjobnet.com Philippine Overseas Employment Administration CLIENTS STEPS: AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Employers will submit the letter of intent and their requirements to Tarlac City Public Employment Service Office’s email address: cmdeso2016@gmail .com Assessment/ Checking of Requirements Validation/ Verification of Application Approval of Accreditation NONE 2 minutes 8 minutes 2 minutes Clients Assistance Officer Labor Employment Officer PESO Manager TOTAL 12 MINUTES 3. Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar, Career Guidance and Employment Coaching Career Guidance Seminars and Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar (PEOS) are conducted to guide and educate College Graduating Students, High School graduating students on how to choose the appropriate career. Aside from personality test, presentation of in-demand careers was showed and served as their reference on what career they might also consider to address job mismatch. OFFICE: Tarlac City Public Employments Service Office CLASSIFICATION simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION Government to School Institution WHO MAY AVAIL: Graduating College Students, Grade 12 Students and Grade 10 Students REQUIREMENTS SCHOOLS: Letter of Intent CLIENTS STEPS: AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Submit letter of invitation or as per schedule of schools 1.Registration of Students NONE 2 hours PESO MANAGER for the conduct of Career Coaching 4. Employment Coaching Activities were also conducted to mass number of applicants and soon to be workers (Graduating College students) to provide knowledge and techniques needed for their job application. OFFICE: Tarlac City Public Employments Service Office CLASSIFICATION: simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION Government to Citizen WHO MAY AVAIL: Tarlac City Residents and Non – Tarlac City Residents Requirements: Letter of Intent Updated Resume CLIENTS STEPS: AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1.Regist ration of Applicants NONE 1 hour orientation PESO MANAGER DOLE Integrated Programs Workers Hiring for Infrastructure Project (WHIP) The Workers Hiring for Infrastructure Projects (WHIP) program requires construction companies, including continue reading : CITY PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE (PESO)
I. Mandate: The City Legal Office is the legal arm of the City Government of Tarlac. It serves as the Chief Legal Adviser of the Local Chief Executive, the Sangguniang Panlungsod and all other departments and offices of the City Government in legal matters involving the performance of their respective duties, functions and responsibilities in the delivery of public service. The City Legal Officer, as the Chief Legal Counsel, holds stewardship of the City Legal Office and pursuant to Republic Act No. 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 shall: (1) Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sangguniang Panlungsod and provide legal assistance and support to the City Mayor, in carrying out the delivery of basic services and provisions of adequate facilities as provided for under Section 17 of the same Code; 2) Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the City Mayor implement the same, particularly those which have to do with programs and projects related to legal services which the Mayor is empowered to implement and which the Sangguniang Panlungsod is empowered to provide under the Code; and (3) Be in the frontline of protecting human rights and prosecuting any violations thereof, particularly those which occur during and in the aftermath of man-made or natural disasters or calamities. II. Vision: It is envisioned that the City Legal Office stands as an advocate of justice, a pillar of truth and a pervasive guide for the City of Tarlac in upholding the rule of law in all aspects of government service. III. Mission: The City Legal Office is committed in rendering itself as an instrument in providing excellent service to the public by ensuring utmost compliance with the mandates of the law and thus, seeks: IV. Service pledge: The City Legal Office pledges to be the embodiment of an exemplary standard of public service in the implementation of the legality principle in government administration. The officers and personnel of the City Legal Office commits to exhibit utmost professionalism in the exercise of their functions through reliability, consistency and honesty. EXTERNAL SERVICES 1. LEGAL ADVICE – IN OFFICE OFFICE: City Legal Office CLASSIFICATION Legal Advice – In Office (Simple Transaction) Legend: Simple – 3 working days; Complex – 7 working days; Highly Technical – 20 working days TYPE OF TRANSACTION G2C (Government to Citizens) WHO MAY AVAIL Tarlac City Constituents CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Referral letterRelevant documentsValid Identification Mayor’s Office CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. Client approach admin staff and submit referral letter. 1. Admin Staff – Interview client and receive referral letter None 10 minutes Anne de Jesus or Zab Villa 2. Submit Referral letter to available lawyer for evaluation None 10 minutes Anne De Jesus or Zab Villa 3. Available lawyer conducts interview and gives free legal advice to client None 10 to 30 minutes Atty JC Castro or Atty. Deb Santos End of Transaction OFFICE: City Legal Office CLASSIFICATION Legal Advice – On Line (Simple Transaction) Legend: Simple – 3 working days; Complex – 7 working days; Highly Technical – 20 working days TYPE OF TRANSACTION G2C (Government to Citizens) WHO MAY AVAIL Tarlac City Constituents CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Email AddressFacebook AccountRelevant documentsValid Identification N/A CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. Client emails or chats with Legal Staff in charge of Online Legal Service 1. Admin Staff – Interview client and summarize facts and issues None 15 minutes Anne de Jesus or Zab Villa 2. Refer to available lawyer/paraleg al for evaluation None 10 minutes Anne De Jesus or Zab Villa or Dennis Lomboy or Atty Castro or Atty Santos 3. Available lawyer/parale gal conducts interview and gives free legal advice to client on line thru chat or thru email. None 10 to 30 minutes Atty JC Castro or Atty. Deb Santos or Anne de Jesus, Zab Villa or Dennis Lomboy END OF TRANSACTION OFFICE: City Legal Office CLASSIFICATION Preparation and Notarization of Private Legal Documents – Simple transaction Legend: Simple – 3 working days; Complex – 7 working days; Highly Technical – 20 working days TYPE OF TRANSACTON G2C (Government to Citizens) WHO MAY AVAIL Public CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Valid Identification Cards N/A CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. Document to be prepared and/or notarized submitted to Office’s Administrative Staff 1. Admin Staff – Receive document to be prepared and/or notarized None 5 minutes Cynthia Cawigan and other Legal staff 2. Prepare private document None 10 minutes Cynthia Cawigan and other Legal Staff 3. Evaluate if available for free notarization None 10 minutes Cynthia Cawigan and other Legal Staff 4. If qualified for free notarization, notarize document. None 5 minutes Available Notary Public 5. If not qualified for free notarization, hand over the prepared legal document to the client for notarization to nearest notary None 5 minutes Nearest Notary Public public 2. Requester receive prepared legal document and/or notarized document 6. Admin Staff release notarized document to requester. None 5 minutes Cynthia Cawigan and other Legal Staff END OF TRANSACTION INTERNAL SERVICES OFFICE: City Legal Office CLASSIFICATION PREPARATION OF OFFICIAL LEGAL DOCUMENTS – Complex PREPARATION OF LEGAL OPINION – ComplexDRAFTING OF ORDINANCES – Highly Technical Legend: Simple – 3 working days; Complex – 7 working days; Highly Technical – 20 working days TYPE OF TRANSACTION G2G (Government to Government) WHO MAY AVAIL City Government Officials and Employees CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Request Letter/ MemorandumRelevant Documents N/A CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSIN G TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Request letter to be submitted to Office’s Administrative Staff 1. Admin Staff – Receive document and stamp date of receipt None 5 minutes continue reading : CITY LEGAL OFFICE
I. Mandate: City Planning and Development Office (CPDO), is the arm and head of the technical local planning structure. It is envisioned to become a champion of harmonized and rationalized planning and development, driven to mold Tarlac City as a SMART green and economic giant in the Philippines. One of its goals is to faithfully comply with the applicable provisions of the Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160); coordinating various sectoral/functional committees that provide detailed inputs to the comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan and investment program. Its mandated functions are (1) formulate economic, social, physical and other development plans and policies for consideration of the local government development council; (2) conduct continuing studies, researchers, and training programs necessary to evolve plans and programs for implementation; (3) integrate and coordinate all sectoral plans and studies undertaken by different functional groups of agencies; (4) monitor and evaluate the implementation of different development programs, projects and activities in the local government units concerned and accordance with the approved development plan; (5) prepare comprehensive plans and other development planning documents for consideration of the local development council; (6) analyze the income and expenditure patterns and formulate and recommend fiscal plans and policies for consideration of the finance committee of the Local government unit concerned; (7) promote people participation in development planning within the local government unit; (8) exercise supervision and control over the secretariat of the local development council; and (9) exercise such powers and perform such others functions and duties as maybe prescribed by the law or ordinance. Furthermore, CPDO aims to harmonize or dovetail the planning guidelines set by the National Government Agency (NGA) to curtail planning process and accommodates the imperatives of multi-stakeholder participation and consultation II. Vision: Envisioned to become a champion of harmonized and rationalized planning and development, inspired to achieve Tarlac City as a SMART Green City, emerging as an economic giant in the Philippines. III. Mission: The City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) commits to be a dynamic partner in achieving sustainable progress through rationalized and harmonized development planning. Towards this, CPDO shall advocates the following Developmental Objectives: Track and evaluate programs, projects and activities as basis for improving effectiveness; Analyze and formulate a research-based Development Plans and Strategic Approaches; Regulate the development in the city while achieving progress through proper zoning; Lend a hand to encourage community’s smart and active participation in development planning; Administrative support provision to assist in programming; and Create a Sustainable Urban Development within the integrated planning framework for guidance and development visions. The CPDO pledge to become a champion of harmonized and rationalized planning and development, driven to mold Tarlac City as a SMART green and economic giant in the Philippines. Faithfully comply with its mandates under the provisions of the Local Government Code of 1991; coordinating various sectoral/functional committees that provide detailed inputs to the comprehensive multi-sectoral development plan and investment program. Furthermore, CPDO aims to harmonize or dovetail the planning guidelines set by the National Government Agency (NGA) to curtail planning process and accommodates the imperatives of multi-stakeholder participation and consultation EXTERNAL SERVICES 1. ISSUANCE OF ZONING CERTIFICATE FOR BUILDING PERMIT A Building Permit is a document issued by the Building Official to an owner/applicant to proceed with the construction, installation, addition, alteration, renovation, conversion, repair, demolition, or other work activity of a specific project/building/structure after the accompanying principal plans and specifications and other pertinent documents that are found satisfactory and substantially confirming with the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the National Building Code. OFFICE: CPDO- Zoning Section for Building Permit CLASSIFICATION: Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION: Government to Business (G2B) WHO MAY AVAIL: Citizens/Client CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Accomplished Application Form CPDO Brgy. Clearance Barangay Locational Sketch/ map/picture Tax Declaration Assessor’s Office Latest RPT payments Assessor’s Office TCT One (1) Set of Plan, Estimate and specification Lease Contract (if rented) Deed of Sale/ Authorization (if not reg. owner) Others as needed Payment Order and Receipt CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSIN G TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Submission of Requirements Receives application and required documents. Check for completeness None 5 mins Admin Aide ½ DAY Zoning Officer / Project Devt. Officer Receives Order of Payment Review, evaluate, Inspect (If needed) and submitfor approval None 5 mins Issue order of payment Zoning Officer / Project Devt. Officer Pays the fee at the Treasurer’s Office and secure Official Receipt RECEIVES THE O.R. Zoning/ Locational ; Clearance schedule of Fees 5 MIN. Zoning Officer / Project Devt. Officer Proceed to CPDO & present O.R. Prepares the Zoning Certificate and Locational Clearance 20 MIN. Admin Aide Receives the zoning certificate / locational clearance Signs ZO and / LC None 5 MIN. CPDC/ Zoning Administrator Record transaction in the logbook prior releasing of ZC/LC 5 MIN. Admin. Aide TOTAL 1 DAY 2. ISSUANCE OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The Development Permit is the final permit issued or granted to any developer already issued with PALC which will allow him/her proceed with the detailed and necessary development activities as reflected in the approved plans. OFFICE: CPDO- Zoning Section for Development Permit CLASSIFICATION: Complex TYPE OF TRANSACTION: Government to Business (G2B) WHO MAY AVAIL: Citizens/Client CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Accomplished Application Form CPDO Brgy. Resolution Barangay Locational Sketch/ map/picture Latest RPT payments Assessor’s Office Tax Declaration Assessor’s Office TCT Seven (7) sets of Plans Cost estimate & Specifications (if applicable) Others as needed Accomplished Evaluation Form/s Payment Order/Original Receipt CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSIN G TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Submits application and required documents Receives application and required documents. None 20 mins Admin Aide Check for completeness Receives results of evaluation of plans and documents Review, Evaluate, inspect (If needed) and submit for approval None 3 to 5 Days Zoning Officer/Project Devt. Officer continue reading : CITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT OFFICE
I. Mission To effectively and efficiently function with the office’s task of providing information to institute conditions that will channel the independent flow of accurate, timely, and appropriate information to and from the people of Tarlac City. II. Vision Well-informed Tarlaqueños, as well as other peoples around the world, could be able to understand, explain, and give a piece of their mind on important issues which basically concern them that will contribute in the pursuit of excellence and development. III. Services OFFICE City Information Office CLASSIFICATION Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION G2C/G2G WHO MAY AVAIL Public CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE 1. Request letter N/A 2. USB or any external drive or storage N/A CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSNG TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. Request letter to be submitted to Office’s Administrative Staff Request letter to be stamped as received None 5 mins. Sherwin David Job order Employee Letter to be approved by Department Head None 5 mins. Maureen I. Clemente City Information Officer Upon approval, endorsement to file administrator None 15-30 mins. Dexter De Vera Administrative Officer I 2. Requester to provide USB or any external drive or storage File administrator to receive USB or any external drive or storage None 1-2 mins Dexter De Vera Administrative Officer I File administrator to transfer files None 10-15 mins. Dexter De Vera Administrative Officer I END OF TRANSACTION 2. REQUEST FOR AUDIO-VISUAL PRESENTATION OFFICE City Information Office CLASSIFICATION Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION G2G WHO MAY AVAIL City Government Employees CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE 1. Request letter N/A 2. USB or any external drive or storage N/A CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSNG TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. Request letter to be Request letter None 5 mins. Sherwin submitted to Office’s to be stamped David Administrative Staff as received Job order Employee Letter to be None 5 mins. Maureen I. approved by Clemente Department City Information Head Officer Upon approval, endorsement to script writer and researcher None 20-30 mins. Renato Silvestre Jr. Administrative Officer II Dexter De Vera Administrative Officer I Jolina Arzaga Casual Employee Alyssa Miranda Casual Employee Pauline Lampa Job Order Employee Endorsement None 10-15 mins. Renato of script for Silvestre Jr. voice over Administrative Officer II Dexter De Vera Administrative Officer I Jolina Arzaga Casual Employee Alyssa Miranda Casual Employee Pauline Lampa Job Order Employee Endorseme nt to editor None 30 mins. John Calvin Manaloto Job Order Employee Jireh Corpuz Job Order Employee 2. Requester to File None 1-2 mins Dexter De provide USB or any administrator Vera external drive or to receive Administrative storage USB or any Officer I external drive or storage File None 10-15 mins. Dexter De administrator Vera to transfer files Administrative Officer I END OF TRANSACTION OFFICE City Information Office CLASSIFICATION Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION G2C/G2G WHO MAY AVAIL Public CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE 1. Complaint sent via Official Facebook page or E-mail N/A CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSNG TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. Client to send complaint via official Facebook page or E-mail Respond acknowledgin g the receipt of the complaint None 5 mins. Renato Silvestre Jr. Administrati ve Officer II Dexter De Vera Administrativ e Officer I Enrico Rafael Divino Administrativ e Aid VI Jolina Arzaga Casual Employee Alyssa Miranda Casual Employee Pauline Lampa Job Order Employee Referral of the complaint to the City Administrator’s Office None 5-10 mins. Sherwin David Job order Employee Communicate status of the complaint upon receipt of report from the concerned department None 5-10 mins. Renato Silvestre Jr. Administrati ve Officer II Dexter De Vera Administrativ e Officer I Enrico Rafael Divino Administrativ e Aid VI Jolina Arzaga Casual Employee Alyssa Miranda Casual Employee Pauline Lampa Job Order Employee END OF TRANSACTION
I. Vision An office with the Capability to Provide: Training Needs, Career Development Plans, Records Management, Assistance in the Av ailment of Privileges and Benefits for the Employees of each Working Departments of the Agency. II. Mission To create awareness and consciousness on CSC Laws & Rules, and to protect the Merit and Career Principles of a Professional Civil Service in the City Government of Tarlac through Human Resource Development Interventions. III. Performance pledges We are committed to provide quality services to our clients and pledge to serve them better to meet their expectation from us. The frontline services of our office with step- by-step procedures are outlined in our Citizen’s Charter to guide our clients. 1. APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT ABOUT THE SERVICE Published Vacant Positions authorized by the City Mayor are open to all applicants who meet all the qualification standards of the positions. SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE: Monday to Friday (from 8 AM to 5 PM (no noon break) OFFICE: CITY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATION: Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION: G2C – Government to Client WHO MAY AVAIL: TARLAC CITIZEN CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Application Letter (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017 with recent passport- sized picture Work Experience Photocopy of certificate of eligibility/rating/license Photocopy of Transcript of Records Certificate/s of previous Employment (if any) ICPR/OPCR for promotion other documents (if necessary) Evaluation Report Requirements stated above Endorsement by the City Mayor of the applicant/s to be appointed. Requirements stated above HR DEPARTMENT OFFICE CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Receives & evaluates the requirements submitted by the applicant/s Application Letter (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017 with recent passport- sized picture Work Experience Photocopy of certificate of eligibility/rating/lic ense Photocopy of Transcript of Records Certificate/ s of previous Employment (if any) ICPR/OPCR for promotion other documents (if necessary) N/A 10 min./applicant Tiffany P. Lopez Advise the applicant/s to comeback on the scheduled date of the preliminary Evaluation Report N/A 3 min./applicant Tiffany P. Lopez interview/deliberation. Conducts interview/ deliberation and prepares the list of Requirements stated above N/A 10 min./applicant PSB members selected applicant/s to be recommended to the City Mayor. N/A Posts the list of applicant/s selected by the City Mayor to be appointed to the vacant position/s. Endorsement by the City Mayor of the applicant/s to be appointed. N/A 3 minutes Jaime D. Genita Jr Prepares appointment, Oath of Office, Certification- (Assumption of Duty and Availability of Funds), PDF Requirements stated above N/A 15 min./appointment Tiffany P. Lopez 1. PREPARATION OF PAYROLL (Casual & Permanent) ABOUT THE SERVICE Accurate computation of payrolls for the salaries, allowances, and benefits of officials and employees are received by the employees within the timeframe set by the Agency. SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE: Monday to Friday (from 8 AM to 5 PM (no noon break) OFFICE: CITY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATION: Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION: Government to Government (G2G) WHO MAY AVAIL: TARLAC CITY HALL EMPLOYEES CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE DTR HR DEPARTMENT OFFICE Billings (GSIS, PAGIBIG, LBP, DBP, TCGEAGLES, COOP, and Others) Salary Card and DTR Payroll and Payroll Register CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Downloads a daily log and prints DTRs of all officials and DTR N/A 2 weeks forwards Payroll Register to the concerned employees from the biometric device, transfers biometric attendance to the DTR Form, and distributes them to the different departments for signature. Checks DTRs submitted by the different departments 3 days department head for signatures, and submits to LBP soft copy and hard copy of the payroll register. Posts monthly amortization in the Salary Cards Billings (GSIS, PAGIBIG, LBP, DBP, TCGEAGLE S, COOP, and Others) N/A 5 min/ empl. register. Encodes and prepares Payrolls and ALLOBS Salary Card and DTR N/A 3 days forwards Payroll Register to the concerned department head for signatures, and submits to LBP soft copy and hard copy of the payroll Encode Net Pay in the Payroll Register, forwards Payroll Register to the concerned department head for signatures, and submits to LBP soft copy and hard copy of the payroll register. Payroll and Payroll Register N/A 3 days register. 1. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE ABOUT THE SERVICE All employees are entitled to receive 15 days’ Vacation Leave and 15 days Sick Leave in a year aside from the other leave benefits that an employee receives. Employees are required to go on 5 days mandatory leave in a year provided that they have remaining 10 days leave. SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE: Monday to Friday (from 8 AM to 5 PM (no noon break) OFFICE: CITY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATION: Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION: Government to Government (G2G) WHO MAY AVAIL: TARLAC CITY HALL EMPLOYEES CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE CSC Form No. 6 (Application for Leave) HR DEPARTMENT OFFICE Accomplished CSC Form No. 6 (Application for Leave Form ) Accomplished CSC Form No. 6 (Application for Leave Form ) Accomplished CSC Form No. 6 (Application for leave) Accomplished CSC Form No. 6 (Application for leave) Certified and Signed CSC Form No. 6 (Accomplished Application for leave) Certified and Signed CSC Form No. 6 (Accomplished Application for leave) An Approved application for leave by the City Mayor CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Fills out CSC Form No. 6 (Application for Leave) CSC Form No. 6 (Application for Leave) N/A 5 min/application Ligaya P. Cabiong Submits an accomplished application for leave Accomplished CSC Form No. 6 (Application for Leave Form ) N/A 5 min/application Receives accomplished CSC Form No. 6 (Application for Leave form) Accomplished CSC Form No. 6 (Application for Leave Form ) N/A 3 min/application Riella Mey B. Salas Processes accomplished application for leave Accomplished CSC Form No. 6 (Application for N/A 3 min/application Ligaya P. Cabiong form leave) continue reading : CITY HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
I. Vision: A healthy tomorrow for Tarlaqueños II. Mission: To administer high quality, cost-effective care to individuals, support preventive and promotive health care program for community members, and maintain a supportive environment for health manpower development. III. Goal: To improve the health status of the people of Tarlac City through preventive and promotive health care, community participation, available basic health services, accessible health care facilities, and clean environment. IV. Philosophy: The City Health Office believes that life and health are primary goods. Together with the DOH, it has the responsibility of providing adequate and accessible care to the people. 1. ISSUANCE OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE (for employment) ABOUT THE SERVICE Health Certificate for employment comes in two forms- YELLOW card and GREEN card. Yellow cards are issued to employees of food-handling companies while green cards are given to employees belonging to other type of businesses that require issuance of health certificate for employment. OFFICE: CITY HEALTH OFFICE CLASSIFICATION: Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION: G2C – Government to Client WHO MAY AVAIL: Tarlac city citizens CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE 1 pc- 1×1 picture Chest X-Ray Result Laboratory Clinic Urinalysis Result Laboratory Clinic Focalizes Result Laboratory Clinic CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Present the Requirements (at 3rd Floor CHO Building) Assess & validate medical exams/lab. Results; Release Assess & validate medical exams/lab. 7 mins Sanitation Inspector the Health Certificate approval Results; Release the Health Certificate approval Proceed to Business- One- Stop Shop Window 4 (at the City Hall Building) to secure CEDULA and pay the health Fee Accept payment and issue official receipt Accept payment and issue official receipt 15 mins Teller Present Official Receipt at OSAC (One Stop Application Center) for the release of Health Card. Release of Health Card Release of Health Card 7 mins Teller TOTAL 1. ISSUANCE OF SANITATION CLEARANCE FOR BUSINESS PERMIT ABOUT THE SERVICE Sanitary Permit is a basic requirement in securing Business Permit for establishments that are engaged in businesses that could possibly affect the health of their clients, such as but not limited to food establishments. HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE OFFICE: CITY HEALTH OFFICE CLASSIFICATION: Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION: G2C – Government to Client WHO MAY AVAIL: Tarlac city citizens CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Fully Accomplished Application Business Permit Official Receipt for business license 1×1 picture of owner(self-employed) or Employer and employees Medical /Lab. results of (self-employed) or Employer and employees CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Present the required documents (at 3rd Floor CHO Building) Assess the required documents and release the approval Form None 10 mins Sanitation Inspector Present Official Receipt at OSAC (One Stop Application Center) for the release of Health Sanitation Permit Release of Sanitation Health Permit Sanitation Health Permit- P100 10 mins Teller FOR ESTABLISHMENTS THAT NEEDS INSPECTION: Wait for the SCHEDULE (Date & Time of the OCULAR INSPECTION) Inform client about the Schedule of Ocular Inspection None 10 mins Sanitation Inspector On the Day of Ocular Inspection: Assist the Sanitation Inspector Conduct Ocular Inspection Then Prepare report & submit to the City Health Officer for approval None 4 hours Sanitation Inspector Receive Inspection Report; (In case of non-compliance, comply with corrective measures recommended by the Sanitation Insp.) Provide Inspection report None 3 mins Sanitation Inspector 1. ISSUANCE OF DEATH CERTIFICATES & BURIAL PERMIT ABOUT THE SERVICE When someone passes away, his death is deemed to be registered. If the death occurred at the hospital, a death certificate is issued to the bereaved family member. If the death occurred at home, the closest relative will have to secure a DVF (Death Verification Form) from the Barangay Council in order to be able to secure a death certificate from the CHC (City Health Center) to which the barangay belongs. HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE OFFICE: CITY HEALTH OFFICE CLASSIFICATION: Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION: G2C – Government to Client WHO MAY AVAIL: Tarlac city citizens CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE DVF (Death Verification Form) from the Barangay Council if death occurred at home Barangay Council DOA certificate if death occurred as DOA (Death on Arrival) at the hospital Hospital Any ID’s (SSS, UMID, Senior Citizen,) and birth certificate of the deceased CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE If Death Occurred At Home / or DOA at the hospital: Go to the respective City Health Center & present the requirements…. Received Death Certificate/Burial Permit Note: If DOA (deceased) is from another City or province GO TO the Main City Health Office for the ISSUANCE OF DEATH CERT. &BURIAL PERMIT Interview the client & prepare the Death Cert & Burial Permit; Release the Cert & permit None 10 mins CHC Admin. Staff/ CHC Physician Go to 2nd floor CHO, present the Death Certificate and other requirements for final review & signature of City Health Officer Review the Death Certificate; fill-up the Burial Permit and Signature of CHO None 10 mins CHO Bring Death Cert/Burial Permit to LCR for Registration Registration P 150 10 mins City Registrar Officer 1. ISSUANCE OF MEDICAL CERTIFICATE /REQUEST FOR MEDICAL CONSULTATION / REQUEST FOR MEDICINES ABOUT THE SERVICE Bona fide indigent residents of Tarlac City with symptoms of simple medical illness may request for check-up, treatment as may needed… HOW TO AVAIL THE SERVICE OFFICE: CITY HEALTH OFFICE CLASSIFICATION: Simple TYPE OF TRANSACTION: G2C – Government to Client WHO MAY AVAIL: Tarlac city citizens CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Any ID for the Medical Certificate Government released ID CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE Go to the respective City Health Center, and secure number for consultation Interview and take the Vital Signs of patient upon admission None 10 mins BHW/Midwife/ Nurse Wait for the Admission Encoding of patient’s data through WAH None 5 continue reading : CITY HEALTH OFFICE
I. Mandate: The City General Services Office (CGSO) is an office under the executive arm of the City Government of Tarlac. The Office provides proficiency in technical assistance and support to the City Mayor in the execution of measures to guarantee the delivery of basic services and providing adequate facilities. The CGSO was created pursuant to the Article 20 Section 490 of the RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991. CGSO GENERAL FUNCTIONS: II. Vision: An office where the delivery of basic services of the City Government are ensured and the properties, whether real or personal, are properly recorded, safeguarded and maintained. III. Mission: To provide effective and efficient public service in pursuance of excellence and help improve government operations by empowering Tarlaqueños to be more active partners in ensuring political, social, cultural and ecological stability fora better quality of life in harmony with God, man and nature. IV. Service pledge: To provide immediate attention to other offices that require our expertise and technical support and to deliver efficient, timely and quality service and other related functions with a cheerful gesture Office or Division: Property and Supply Management Division Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: Government to Citizens (G2C) and Government to Government (G2G) Who may avail: Different Departments and Offices CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE 1. Letter Request with attached Route Slip and noted by the Mayor/Chief of Staff/Administrator Requesting Client CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. Forward Receive letter, none 5 minutes Property and letter attach Route slip Supply request for and forward to Management provision of CGSO Division Staff items/equip ment Inform/instruct the none 5 minutes Property and Property Supply Management Management Division Division Staff Check the availability of equipment none 5 minutes Property and Supply Management Division Staff Prepare Property none 10 minutes Property and Accountability Supply Receipt (PAR)and Management Inventory Division Staff Custodian Slip (ICS) for the availability of equipment Prepare official none 10 minutes Property and letter endorse to Supply MAYOR AND TO Management Admin for the unavailable of Division Head equipment and vehicle Record the none 10 minutes Supply Property Management Accountability Division Staff Receipt and Encode ICS Office or Division: Property and Supply Management Division Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: Government to Citizens (G2C) and Government to Government (G2G) Who may avail: Different Departments and Offices CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE 1. Letter Request with attached Route Slip and noted by the Mayor/Chief of Staff/Administrator Requesting Client CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 2. Transmit Request Receive request. Encode and attach Route Slip to be forwarded to the CGS Officer none 5 minutes Supply Management Division Staff Notify concerned employee for appropriate action none 5 minutes Supply Management Division Staff Pull out PAR/ICS on file none 10 minutes Supply Management Division Staff Prepare Property return Slip none 10 minutes Supply Management Division Staff Retrieve unserviceable equipment/ vehicle none 10 minutes Supply Management Division Staff Approve Property Return Slip none 5 minutes Supply Management Division Head Filing/hauling/stock ing of Unserviceable at the warehouse (as the case maybe) none As need arises Supply Management Division Staff 3. REQUEST FOR INSPECTION OF PROPERTIES AND SUPPLIES Office or Division: Property and Supply Management Division Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: Government to Citizens (G2C) and Government to Government (G2G) Who may avail: Any client whose concern is to secure official and public documentAgencies requiring the requested documents CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Letter of requestFilled out formValid ID’s Requesting Client CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. Submit the list of delivered Properties/ supplies for inspection Conduct actual inspection of properties and supplies delivered. none 30 minutes None Supply Management Division Head/Staff Office or Division: Property and Supply Management Division Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: Government to Citizens (G2C) and Government to Government (G2G) Who may avail: Any client whose concern is to secure official and public documentAgencies requiring the requested documents CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Letter of requestFilled out formValid ID’s Requesting Client CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSING TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. Submit the Check and none 3 days Head of Office accomplishe inspect Division Chief d Inspection unserviceable and properties in Inventory for accordance with approval submitted Inventory and Inspection Report of Unserviceable Property (IIRUP) 2. Request for actual disposal of unserviceable properties Recommend the actual bid for disposal of the unserviceable properties. none More than 25 days Division Chief Head of Office Committee on Awards for Disposal Commission on Audit Process the documents for submission to the Committee. 5. REQUEST FOR REGISTRATION OF CITY ISSUED GOVERNENT VEHICLES AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT Office or Division: Property and Supply Management Division Classification: Simple Type of Transaction: Government to Citizens (G2C) and Government to Government (G2G) Who may avail: Different Departments and Offices CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE Filled out and approved formsValid ID’sOR / CR DIVISION CONCERN CLIENT STEPS AGENCY ACTIONS FEES TO BE PAID PROCESSIN G TIME PERSON RESPONSIBLE 1. Submit application for registration of vehicle and heavy equipment for Assists in the compliance for registration of vehicle and heavy equipment. To be determined by Land Transportation Office (LTO) 3 Days Disbursing Officer Head of Office official use; submit OR / CR assists in stenciling of engines / chassis. continue reading : CITY GENERAL SERVICES OFFICE
I. Mandate The City Engineer’s Office is the over-all in-charge of construction, maintenance of roads, drainage, bridges, streetlights, planning and design of various infrastructure and supervision of public works in the city; implementation of PD 1096 National Building Code of the Phils. and BP 344 – Enhancing mobility of disabled and all City ordinances in connection to practice of infrastructure development. II. Vision Envisions a place harmonious to Almighty God, mankind and nature geared towards modernization of infrastructures to step up economic, physical and social development environmentally friendly and ecologically balance with nature. III. Mission To deliver to the people with Courtesy, Efficiency and Orderliness, the service above all things guided by the Almighty God specifically in the practice of infrastructure development for best design and maximum safety, best use and occupancy, and best maintenance of structures. IV. Service pledge The City Engineer’s Office pledges to ensure that the construction, improvement and existence of infrastructure and other community facilities are undertaken with maximum results; takes charge of all infrastructure development, public works and other engineering matters, cleaning, ditching, declogging of drainage lines, repair of drainage lines and manholes, asphalt patching of roads and potholes, repair and maintenance of bridges, paintings and repair of street signs, restoration of damaged pavement; to constantly monitor the overall condition of all necessary infrastructure facilities in order to sustain their usefulness and to address vital engineering concerns in critical areas of the city. We will provide technical advice on cost estimates, program of works and other staff support needed in policy formulation and project implementation; promptly assess and issue building, electrical, mechanical, sanitary, demolition, fencing and excavation permits; and conduct inspection to all building establishments within the city. 1. ISSUANCE OF CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Construction permits are secured prior to the construction, alteration, repair, conversion, demolition, or addition of any building or structure or any portion thereof, within the territorial jurisdiction of Tarlac City. (3) story high; OFFICE: Office of the Building Official through the: 1. Permit Processing for Simple Applications in collaboration with the City Planning and Development Office and the Bureau of Fire Protection; CLASSIFICATION: Highly Technical TYPE OF TRANSACTION: Government to Citizen/ Government to Business/ Government to Government (G2C/G2B/G2G) WHO MAY AVAIL: Any person, firm or corporation, including any agency or instrumentality of the government, who wants to construct, alter, repair, convert, move, demolish, add any building or structure or any portion thereof within the territorial jurisdiction of Tarlac City shall apply for a corresponding construction permit. (Section 301, Paragraph 1 of the NBCP). DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS: For a more detailed list of requirements specific for each type of application, please visit City Engineer’s Office, 2nd floor, Tarlac City Hall. CHECKLIST REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO SECURE FOR SIMPLE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS (New & Renovation) Proof of ownership and/or right to build on property (Certified True Copy of Transfer Certificate of Title, if applicant is the registered owner. Additional legal document showing right to build when applicant is not the registered owner) Land Registration Authority for the Certified True Copy Transfer Certificate of Title Applicant, for the legal document Real property tax declaration on land Office of the City Assessor Real property tax payments (updated) City Treasurer’s Office Previous Building Permit or previous Certificate of Occupancy and previous approved plans (if for renovation) – Applicant. If applicant no longer has a copy, this may be requested from the Office of the Building Official through its Administrative Staff which will be received by the receiving personnel. Locational Clearance Application form CPDO Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance Application form Fire Department Building Permits Application forms CEO PRC IDs & PTRs Applicant Building plans (signed & sealed) Applicant Supporting Technical documents (signed & sealed) Applicant FOR SIMPLE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS (Interior renovation inside malls) Lease Contract or Mall Certification Applicant Locational Clearance Application form CPDO Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance Application form Fire Department Building Permits Application forms CEO PRC IDs & PTRs Applicant Building plans (signed & sealed) Applicant Supporting Technical documents (signed & sealed) Applicant FOR COMPLEX BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS (New & Renovation) Proof of ownership and/or right to build on property (Certified True Copy of Transfer Certificate of Title, if applicant is the registered owner. Additional legal document showing right to build when applicant is not the registered owner) Land Registration Authority for the Certified True Copy Transfer Certificate of Title Applicant, for the legal document Real property tax declaration on land Office of the City Assessor Real property tax payments (updated) City Treasurer’s Office Previous building permit or previous Certificate of Occupancy and previous approved plans (if for renovation, addition or extension) Applicant. If applicant no longer has a copy, this may be requested from the Office of the Building Official through its Administrative Staff which will be received by the receiving staff. Locational Clearance (LC) This will be received by the receiving personnel of the Office of the Building Official and will be transmitted to the City Planning and Development Office (CPDO). Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) This will be received by the receiving personnel of the Office of the Building Official and will be transmitted to the Bureau of Fire Protection Building Permits Application forms Applicant PRC IDs & PTRs Applicant Building plans (signed & sealed) Applicant Supporting Technical documents (signed & sealed) Applicant FOR DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATIONS – Proof of ownership and/or right to demolish the structure / improvement (Certified True Copy of Transfer Certificate of Title, if applicant is the registered owner. – Land Registration Authority for the Certified True Copy Transfer Certificate of Title – Additional legal document showing right to demolish the structure / improvement when applicant is not the registered owner) – Applicant, for the legal document Real property tax declarations (lot and building) Office of the City Assessor Real property tax certification/ clearance (lot and building) City Treasurer’s Office Barangay Clearance Barangay Hall having territorial jurisdiction Application form Applicant PRC IDs & PTRs Applicant Supporting Technical documents (signed & sealed) continue reading : CITY ENGINEERING OFFICE