Barangay Sto. Domingo is also another part of the West District Division of Tarlac City’s 76 Barangays. It bounded by Barangay San Juan de Mata on the South, Municipality of Sta. Ignacia on the North, Municipality of San Jose on the West, and San Juan de Mata in the East.
It is approximately 10.0 kilometers away from city proper. It has a total of 275.79 hectares. The 98.25 hectares designate to agricultural and the remaining 177.54 hectares correspond to residential area. It also divided into 3 Purok’s namely: Puro Centro, Purok Mountain Side and Purok 3.
Barangay Sto. Domingo classified as Rural Barangay, it has a total population of one thousand three hundred nineteen (1,319) as of 2020, and a household population of seven hundred thirty six (736).
Barangay Sto. Domingo residents acquire their needs primarily by means of farming. Approximately 80% of the total populace here were farmers. They cultivate palay, corn, vegetables and others. Other residents were employees, laborer, tricycle drivers, construction workers, and so on. Some residents have their own mini business stall such as sari-sari stores and so on.
There were two names given to this former Sitio of San Juan de Mata. They call “Sitio Binig”, because of the water resources used by the farmers to irrigate their crops and “Sitio Malagayaman”, because of the tree with many roots outside its trunk. This tree is much similar with the tree of “Balete”. Centipede is what they call it according to the elders of the place. There are many centipede trees growing up here that is why they called it Sitio Malagayaman. The latter word is an Ilocano word means “many roots”.
But the question is how it became Barangay Sto. Domingo? According to the residents, it derives from the name of the First Barangay Captain of San Juan de Mata. And in honor of Domingo Ibañes, they named this Sitio when it was separated from San Juan de Mata in 1973.
Ninety percent of the total populations are Pampango, and the rest are Tagalog, Bisaya, Pangasinense, and Ilocano.
Barangay Sto.Domingo celebrates their feast day every last Sunday of November as a thanksgiving to the Patron.